Friday, November 27, 2015

2012 Question Paper,M.C.A. (Semester – IV) (Mgt. Faculty),University Of Pune Question Paper,IT 43 : 403 : OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN,

University Of Pune Question Paper
M.C.A. (Semester – IV) (Mgt. Faculty) Examination, 2012
(2008 Pattern) (New)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
 Note : 1) Q. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any five from the remaining.
3) Mention assumptions made for solving the case studies.
1. Newton’s Institute offers various courses on various IT subjects. Teachers are
assigned to maximum two courses. The subjects are allotted according to their
area of specialization. There is a group of course coordinators in the institute
who manage the courses including course contents, assigning subject to teacher
and scheduling of lectures.
Draw the following diagrams for above case :
a) Use case diagram. 10
b) Class diagram. 10
2. Explain RUP in detail. 10
3. a) Draw a sequence diagram for changing the password of your E-mail Account. 5
b) Draw a collaboration diagram for retrieving the forgotten password of your
E-mail Account. 5
4. Explain characteristics of good test plan. 10
5. Draw an activity diagram for the following : 10
Sending an e-mail to your friends from the contact list having a greeting card as
an attachment.
6. Draw the state transition diagram for online shopping of books. 10
7. Write a short note on (any 2) : 10
1) Approaches for identifying classes.
2) Object relational mapping.
3) Inheritance.
4) Aggregation and composition.
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