Wednesday, October 7, 2015

SRM University PS0574 - POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 2012 Question Paper

Are you looking for PS0574 - POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS old question papers? Get 2012 question paper from SRM University. Collect the contents of this question paper in text form as well as images provided here under.

SRM University Question Paper
Second Semester
(For the candidates admitted from the year 2008-2009 onwards)
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100

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PART - A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. What are the essential requirements of a good distribution system?
2. Define short term and long term forecasting.
3. Name the type of distribution system commonly used for domestic customers.
4. What is the condition for the selection of optimum size of line conductors and distribution transformers?
5. Why conventional power flow algorithm applied to transmission system is not applicable distribution system?
6. What is meant by dispersed generation?
7. List the causes for over-voltage in distribution system.
8. What is the need for feeder reconfiguration III distribution system?
9. The placement of capacitors on LT side is preferred over HT side - why?
10. How is route tracing of cable done?

More questions can be seen in the following images.

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