Saturday, October 10, 2015

SCS31 Data Structure Thiruvalluvar University Nov 2010 Question Paper

Thiruvalluvar University Question Paper
M.Tech Automobile Engineering
SCS31 - Data Structure
Time : Three hours
Maximum :75 Marks
SECTION A –(10 x 2 = 20 marks)
Answer all questions.
Each answer not to exceed 50 words.

1. What is an object?
2. Specify the use of Manipulators.
3. What are Tokens?
4. How will you declare pointers?
5. What is an inline function?
6. Define Destructor.
7. List out the types of Inheritance.
8. What is virtual Base Class?
9. What is an input stream?
10. Specify the use of the function tellg ( ).

SECTION B- (5 x 5 = 25 marks)
Answer all questions.
Each answer not to exceed 200 words.

11. (a) Discuss about programming paradigms.
(b) Explain the member functions of istream calss.

12. (a) Describe the repetitive statements.
(b) Explain pointers with sample program.

13. (a) Discuss the Function Prototyping.
(b) Write short notes on operator overloading.

14. (a) Discuss the multilevel inheritance with example.
(b) Describe the virtual functions.

15. (a) Explain about opening and closing a file.
                (b) Write an account on Error Handling functions.

SECTION C- (3 x 10 = 30 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
Each answer not to exceed 500 words.

16. Write an algorithm for searching an item in the array.

17. How to convert infix expression into post fix expression? Explain it with an example.

18. Describe an algorithm for adding a node in a singly linked list:
(a) at the beginning
(b) in the middle
(c) at the end

19. Explain the following traversals in a graph :
(a) Depth first search
(b) Breadth first search

20. Write an algorithm for the following
(a) Insertion sort
(b) Merge sort

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Data Structure Thiruvalluvar University 2010 question paper
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