Thursday, October 22, 2015

Panjab University History and Culture of Punjab BCA 2012 Question Paper

Looking for 2012 Question Paper of History and Culture of Punjab ? You can collect here the question paper which exam was conducted by the Panjab University Chandigarh . BCA 1st year students can make use of this question paper to prepare their exam.

University : Panjab University Chandigarh
Course : BCA
Year of Course: I
Subject of Question Paper : History and Culture of Punjab
Exam Year : September 2012

Panjab University Chandigarh
History and Culture of Punjab
Paper : BCA 1st Year
Time : 3 Hrs.
Maximum Marks : 90

Note : Attempt five questions in all. select one question each from each unit I-IV

1. Attempt any nine questions in 25-30 words each :
(i) What were the divisions of Hindu Society of the medieval Punjab ?
(ii) What do you understand by Ulema ?
(iii) When and where Akbar was coronated ?
(iv) Name the Mughal Emperor who died in Punjab and where he was buried ?
(v) Name two reformers of Bhakti movement.
(vi) What do you mean by 'Sangat' and 'Pangat' ?
(vii) Who was the founder of 'Udasi' sect ?
(viii) What do you mean by 'Miri-Piri' ?
(ix) What was the significance of adoption of Gurmukhi script ?
(x) Name the 'Panj Piaras' appointed by Guru Gobind Singh.
(xi) When and where Banda Bahadur was executed ?
(xii) What do you mean by 'Singh Sahib' ?
(xiii) What was the position of women in medieval Punjab ?
(xiv) Name the four centres of higher learning in Punjab during the medieval period.
(xv) Name the two folk tales of medieval Punjab. 9*2=18

Unit - I

2. Discuss the social, cultural and religious condition of the Punjab under the Afghan's. 18

3. Describe the salient features of Bhakti movement. 18

Unit - II

4. Describe the main teaching of Guru Nanak Dev. 18

5. Discuss the causes and consequences of the martyrdom of Guru Arjun Dev. 18

Unit - III

6. Briefly describe the creation of Khalsa ? What was its significance ? 18

7. Describe the civil admnistration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. 18

Unit - IV

8. Assess the position of women during the medieval period. 18

9. Describe the development of Art and Literature during the medieval period. 18

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