Friday, October 30, 2015

ME2029 Design of Jigs, Fixtures, Press Tools and Moulds May June 2014 Question Paper

Looking for ME2029 Design of Jigs, Fixtures, Press Tools and Moulds old question paper ? Download now 2014 May June Anna University Chennai question paper for this subject. Read more information about this question paper below.

Anna University Question Paper Code : 11049
Seventh Semester
Mechanical Engineering
ME2029 / 080120043 - Design of Jigs, Fixtures, Press Tools and Moulds
(Regulation 2008) 

PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 

1. Which type of work pieces often need more than six locating points?
2. What are the important properties required for clamps?
3. What are liner bushes?
4. What are the main types of boring fixtures?
5. Differentiate a compound die and a combination die
6. Why back-pin die sets are preferred for lateral feeding?
7. State the advantages of V bending.
8. What is ironing effect in drawing?
9. What is the use of chase in compression moulding?
10. State any two factors that decide the operating temperature of a mould.

PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 

11. (a) Write short notes on the following locators : (i) V-locator (4)
(ii) Profile locator (4)
(iii) Diamond pin (4)
(iv) Equalising jack. (4)
(b) (i) Explain the various principles involved in clamping. (10)
(ii) Write a note on clamping force. (6)

Remaining Part Will be Added up later
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