Friday, October 16, 2015

How to download Admit Card of IBPS Main Examination October 2015

Are you looking for IBPS main examination admit card details? Get now the latest information on how to download IBPS admit card 2015. Read the details of the IBPS exam October 2015 below and download the admit card.

Exam Board : Institute of Banking Personnel Selection IBPS
Department : Banking
Exam Type: Government Exam, Competitive Exams, Bank Exam
Subject : IBPS Main Examination 2015
Exam Date : 31st October 2015
Where to download admit card of IBPS :
Admit Card Description : 2015 Institute of Banking Personnel Selection IBPS General Main Examination October 2015 Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download Details.

You may know that the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection IBPS has successfully conducted the preliminary examination for the posts of Probationary Officer / Management Trainees. The main examination is not yet conducted and is scheduled to be held on 31st October 2015. You may now eagerly waiting for getting admit card. Without admit card / hall ticket, no candidate will be allowed to enter into the examination hall on the day of conducting IBPS exam. This general rule for all examinations, isn't it? Now the admit card for IBPS exam will be made available soon at the official website.

How to download Admit Card:
Step 1: Open
Step 2: Click on to the desirable link which will be available after the facility provided
Step 3: Enter all the required details and click on submit. After submitting the same, the admit card will be displayed on the screens.
Step 4: Take a print-out of IBPS admit card for future use.

How will be the selection process in IBPS:
The candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in the preliminary examination, main examination and personal interview. The online main examination consists of 200 objective type (multiple choice questions). It carries a total of 200 marks. The exam pattern is segregated into five sections based on the following:
English Language
Quantitative Aptitude
General Awareness with special reference to the Banking Industry
Computer Knowledge.

Is there any negative marks? 
Yes, for wrong answers marked by the candidates in both Pre and Main Exam one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to the question will be deducted as penalty. The duration of exam is 2 hours

For more details, Visit official website at 
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