Friday, October 2, 2015

GNDU B.Sc Chemistry 2007 Question Paper

Guru Nank Dev University
B.Sc. Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
2007 Question Paper
Time Allowed : Three Hours
Maximum Marks - 75
Note :- Attempt ALL questions from Section-A, EIGHT questions from Section-B and TWO questions from Section-C
(10 x 1½ = 15)
1. Explain the critical phenomenon applied to the gaseous state.
2. Discuss most probable and average speed.
3. Write the expression for Debye-Huckel-Osnager equation. Explain the terms used in it.
4. Show graphically how equivalent conductivity of strong and weak electrolytes vary with the change in concentration.
5. What is Hardy-Schulze rule ?
6. The specific conductance of a decinormal solution of KCl at 18ºC is 1.12 Sm-1 (inverse). The
resistance of the cell containing the solution at the same temperature was found to be 55 ohms. What is the cell constant in cm-1 (inverse) ?
7. Calculate the angle at which the first order diffraction will occur in an XRD when X-Rays of wavelength 1.54 Å are diffracted by atoms of crystals. The interplanar distance is 4.04 Å.
8. Explain dipole moment.
9. Explain the difference between face-centered cubic unit cell and body centered cubic unit cell.
10. List various symmetry elements in a cubic crystal.
(8 x 4½ = 36)
1. Explain root mean square velocity of hydrogen molecule at N.T.P (Given : density of Hg = 13.6 gm/cm3 and acceleration due to gravity is 981.0 cms-²).
2. Deduce an expression for reduces equation of state.
3. What is Ostwald's dilution law ? Give its limitations.
4. Derive Claussius-Mossoti equation.
5. Give an account of qualitative description of structure of liquids.
6. Discuss the process of liquifaction of gases based on Joule-Thompson effect.
7. Explain the limitation of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissolution.
8. Describe the phenomenon of Tyndall effect.
9. What is an emulsifier ? Explain its role.
10. What are the different laws of crystallography ? Explain.
11. Describe the process of conduction in electrolytes.
12. refer to attachment
1. What are the factors which led ideal gas equation to be modified ? Derive van der Waals equation of state. Give significance of van der Waals constant. (5, 5, 2)
2. (a) What are liquid crystals ? How are they classified ? Describe their applications. (8)
(b) Describe powder method for the determination of crystal structure of solids. (4)
3. What are colloids ? How are they classified ? Justify the statement that they play a vital role in our daily life. (4, 4, 4)
4. (a) What are conductometric titrations? Depict the nature of conductometric titrations when (i)
strong acid is titrated against a strong base and (ii) weak acid is titrated against a strong base.
Explain the observed changes. (8)
(b) refer to atachment 
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