Saturday, June 6, 2015

Gauhati University POLITICAL SCIENCE SECOND PAPER Political Theory 2007 Question Paper

University :  Gauhati University
Degree : B.A Political Science
Question Paper Subject: POLITICAL SCIENCE SECOND PAPER (Political Theory)
Question Paper Year : 2007

Question Paper Details : Previous Years Question Papers Types Version

(Political Theory)
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Write the answers to the two Halves in separate books
1. Answer any' two of the following:
a) Why does Plato insist that philosophers must be kings? Do you consider the idea
practicable? Explain. 6+6
b) Examine Aristotle's concept of democracy. Was Aristotle a democrat? Give
reasons for your answer. 6+6
c) Why is Machiavelli called the modem political scientist? Discuss his views on
State and Government. 6+6
d) Examine the contribution of J. S. Mill to political thought. 12
2. Write short notes on any two of the following: 5×2=10
a) Mill and women representation
b) Hegel's views on State
c) Locke as an individualist
d) Po1itical ideas of Kautilya
3. Write True or False/Fill in the blanks / Answer the following questions: 1×6=6
a) Who developed the concept of 'greatest happiness of the greatest numbers'?
b) Who authored the book titled Concerning Justice?
c) According to ______, state of nature is an era of peace, goodwill and mutual
d) Rousseau was an advocate of popular sovereignty.
e) Statesman was written by _________.
f) "Man is not social, but antisocial" stated by__________.
4. Answer any two of the following: 12×2=24
a) Elaborate Marx's concept of class struggle and surplus value. 6+6
b) Analyse the socialist ideas of Robert Owen. 12
c) "Guild Socialism is the combination of the good elements of Fabianism and
Syndicalism." Explain. 12
d) Explain how Leninism is the further development of Marxism. 12
5. Write short notes on any two of the following: 5×2= 10
a) Gandhi and Non-violence
b) Anarchism
c) Democratic Socialism
d) Dictatorship of the Proletariat
6. Fill in the blank/ Answer the following questions: 1×6=6
a) Name any advocate of Guild Socialism.
b) Name any book written by Lenin.
c) “Property is theft" stated by _______________.
d) Identify the author of the book Hind Swaraj
e) Name any advocate of Utopian Socialism.
f) Who is the author of the book The State and Revolution?

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