Monday, April 20, 2015

Madras University B.C.A Digital Logic Fundamentals 2013 Question Paper

Looking for previous question paper Madras University? You can collect your desired question paper from this website. Here's a paper of B.C.A Digital Logic Fundamentals asked in the year 2013. The code of the question paper is U/ID 46432/UCCB,

University : Madras University
Course : B.C.A Degree Examinations
Year of exam : May 2013
Subject Name : Digital Logic Fundamentals 
Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : 100

MAY 2013 U/ID 46432/UCCB
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (10 × 3 = 30 marks)
Answer any TEN questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Find 9’s and 10’s complements of 75.
2. What is tri-state logic gate?
3. Write the difference between EXCLUSIVE-OR and INCLUSIVE-OR.
4. What is D flip-flop?
5. Define state table.
6. What is an expression?
7. What is the associativity of the arithmetic operators?
8. How is the file included within a program?
9. Write the syntax of if-else statement.
10. What are function prototypes?
11. What kinds of objects can be associated with pointer variable?
12. How can structure variables be declared?

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PART B — (5 × 6 = 30 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

13. Perform the following subtractions and check the result by connecting the binary number to decimal
 (a) 101.101 — 11.011
 (b) 1011.1 — 100.11
14. Draw and explain the operation of a JK flip-flop.
15. What is the ASCII character set? How common is its use?
16. What are unary operators? How many operators are associated with a unary operator?
17. What is the purpose of the get char function? How is it used?
18. Summarize the rules for writing a onedimensional array definition.
19. Write a C program to illustrate a switch statement.

PART C — (4 × 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

20. What are BCD codes? Discuss their merits and demerits.
21. Explain the master-slave operation of the JK flip-flop with a neat diagram.
22. Name and describe the four basic data types in C.
23. Differentiate formal arguments and actual arguments.
24. Using array write a C program to add two given matrices.
25. Explain the operation of shift register.

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