Saturday, May 31, 2014

Electrical Measurements Rajasthan University B.Tech Electrical Engineering 2011 Question Paper

Are you looking for old question papers of Electrical Measurements from Rajasthan University? Here under provided is one of the such paper conducted in the year 2011 for the Rajasthan Technical University. The subject belongs to B.Tech Electrical Engineering. Details of the question paper are given below.

Rajasthan Technical University
3EE5 Electrical Measurements
Time: 3 hours
Total Marks : 80
Min. Passing Marks :24

Instructions to candidates:
Attempt overall five question selecting one question from each unit.All questions carry equal marks.


Q.1 Explain the construction and working principle of moving instruments in detail.


Q.1 (a)Explain the working principle of single phase energy meter.
(b)Explain calibration of single phase energy meter.


Q.2 Draw the phaser diagram for a current transformer.Derive an expression for phase angle error.Justify the statement "the secondary of a c.t. should never be open circuited".


Q.2(a)State and derive the Blondel's theorem.
(b)Describe the two wattmeter method of measurement of power in 3 phase circuit.


Q.3 Explain in detail the construction and working principle of ac potentiometer and its standardization.


Q.3 What is calibrated using a dc potentiometer?Explain with suitable diagram.

Unit 4

Q.4 What are the difficulties associated with the measurement of low resistance? Explain the kelvin's double bridge method for the measurement of low resistance?


Q.4 What is the importance of the value of earth's resistance? Describe the fall of potential method for measurement of earth resistance.


Q.5 Describe an AC bridge which is used for the measurement of self inductance of an inductor with proper phasor diagram.


Q.5 What are the sources of errors in bridges circuits?What are the precautions and methods used to minimize the errors?

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