Friday, January 8, 2016

FIRST M.B.B.S.,Paper VI – BIOCHEMISTRY – II,2013 Question Paper,Dr. MGR University Question Paper

Dr. MGR University Question Paper
Q. P. Code : 524056
Time : 180 Minutes Maximum: 50 Marks
Answer ALL questions.
Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 7.5 = 15)
 1. Describe the catabolism of Heme in the body.
 Explain the different types of jaundice.
 How do you investigate a case of jaundice?
 2. What is the normal pH of blood.
 Describe the various mechanisms which maintain it?
 Mention the acid base disorders.
II. Write notes on: (10 x 2.5 = 25)
1. Active form of methionine and its function
2. Inhibitors of Protein Biosynthesis
3. Porphyria
4. LAC Operan
5. Transcription & Post Transcriptional modification
6. Cyclic AMP
7. Detoxification by conjugation
8. Renal Function Tests
9. Tumor Markers
 10. Different mechanisms involved in hormone action.
III. Short Answers on: (10 x 1 = 10)
2. Hyperkalemia
3. Okazaki fragments
4. Thyroid Function Tests
5. Creatinine clearance
7. Iso electric pH of proteins
8. Maple syrup urine disease
9. Multiple Myeloma
10. Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome and orotic aciduria.
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