Thursday, December 24, 2015

Diploma Course in Intellectual Property Right Laws, 2010 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper,INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS, GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS AND LAYOUT DESIGNS OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (Paper – IV)

University Of Pune Question Paper
Diploma Course in Intellectual Property Right Laws, Examination, 2010
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : i) Q. No. 8 is compulsory. Out of the remaining attempt any five
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. “Certain geographical names have acquired a lot of importance in the commercial
market, particularly with regard to goods uniquely associated with such names”.
Discuss in the context of the International Law relating to Geographical Indications. 16
2. What are the effects of registration of indication and the provisions in respect of
such registration under the Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and
Protection) Act, 1999 ? 16
3. Discuss the historical evolution of Designs Law in India. 16
4. Discuss the salient features of the Geographical Indications Act, 1999. 16
5. Explain the provision regarding registration of Layout-Designs under Design Act, 2000. 16
6. What do you mean by the term ‘Industrial Designs’ ? How does the Pairs
Convention of 1967 seek to grant protection of Industrial Designs ? 16
7. What conditions to be fulfilled for designs to be protected under the Design Act, 2000 ? 16
8. Write short notes on the following : 20
a) Protection to certain trade marks under Geographical Indications Act.
b) Prohibition of registration of certain design.
c) Prohibition of registration under the Geographical Indications Act.
d) Rights conferred by registration under Layout-Design Act, 2000.
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