Wednesday, December 16, 2015

B.Tech CSE System Software MG University May 2013 Question Paper

Are you looking for previous question paper of 6th semester CSE, MG University ? You can here get May 2013 Question Paper for System Software Subject. Collect the contents provided below:

MG University Kerala


Sixth Semester

Branch: Computer Science and Engineering


(New Scheme Regular)

Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks

Part A

Answer all questions. Each question carries 3 marks.

What is system software? Explain.

What is Macrocalls? Explain.

Bring out the basic functions of assembler.

What is user interface?

What is the necessity of device driver? (5*3 = 15 marks)

Part B

Answer all questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

Explain the generation of unique labels.

Discuss the basic structure of Microsoft OBJ file format.

What is a linkage editor? Explain.

Explain debugging functions.

Explain device characteristics. (5*5= 25 marks)

Part C

Answer all questions. Each question carries 12 marks.

Module I

Discuss different types of Macros.


Describe in detail the nested macro calls and recursive macro calls with examples.

Module II

Explain two pass assembler and its algorithm.


Explain the necessity of two passes and forward reference.

Module III

With diagram, explain dynamic linking.


Explain different types of loaders.

Module IV

Explain different debugging methods in detail.


Give the uses of user interface and with diagram explain the editor structure

Module V

Describe in detail different types of device drivers.


Explain block devices and block device drivers.

(5*12 = 60 marks)
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