Friday, December 4, 2015

ANATOMY Paper-II AKU MBBS 2013 Question Paper

Searching for ANATOMY Paper-II MBBS Previous Years Question Papers of AKU ? You can here find one which belongs to 2013 year. Download the contents in text format as provided below:

Aryabhatta Knowledge University
Course : MBBS
Question Paper Code : 201012
Question Paper Exam Year : 2013
Subject : ANATOMY Paper-II
Time: 3 hours
Full Marks: 50

1. Write short notes on the following: (5*6=30)

(a) Venous drainage of the lower limb

(b) Rectus sheath

(c) Nerve supply of the urinary bladder

(d) Anterior relations of both kidneys

(e) Locking and unlocking mechanisms of the knee joint

(f) Lymphatic drainage of the stomach

2. Describe the inguinal canal with its applied importance. (10)

3. Choose the correct one: (1*10)

(a) The following muscles are attached to calcaneum, except
(i) flexor digitorum accesorious
(ii) abductor hallucis brevis
(iii) abductor digiti minimi
(iv) flexor digitorum brevis
(v) flexor hallucis brevis

(b) The flexor of the femoral triangle is formed by the following, except
(i) adductor longus
(ii) adductor brevis
(iii) pectineus
(iv) iliacus
(v) sartorius

(c) The hip joint is supplied by the following nerves, except
(i) obturator nerve
(ii) femoral nerve
(iii) nerve to quadratus femoris
(iv) superior gluteal nerve
(v) inferior gluteal nerve

(d) A portal triad contains
(i) a branch of portal vein
(ii) a tributary of hepatic vein
(iii) a branch of hepatic artey
(iv) an interlobular biliary ductule
(v) hepatocytes

(e) The following are the posterior relations of 2nd part of duodenum
(i) Right psoas major
(ii) Transverse colon
(iii) Right lobe of liver
(iv) Anterior surface of right kidney
(v) Head of pancreas

(f) The following structure pass through the opening of diaphragm at the level of T8
(i) Inferior vena cava
(ii) Vagus nerve
(iii) Right phrenic nerve
(iv) Azygos vein
(v) Esophagus

(g) The caudate lobe of liver is bounded by
(i) groove for inferior vena cava
(ii) ligamentum venosum
(iii) ligamentum teres
(iv) porta hepatis
(v) inferior border of liver

(h) The glomerulus of kidney is
(i) lobulated tuft of blood vessels
(ii) expanded end of the renal tubule
(iii) proximal convoluted tubule
(iv) the loop of Henle
(v) the junctional tubule

(i) The following are the lateral branches of abdominal aorta
(i) Inferior phrenic artery
(ii) Superior mesenteric artery
(iii) Middle suprarenal artey
(iv) Testicular attery
(v) Renal artey

(j) The male urethra develops from
(i) upper part of primitive urogenital sinus
(ii) pelvic part of primitive urogenital sinus
(iii) definitive urogenital sinus
(iv) paramesonephric duct
(v) metanephros 
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