Friday, December 4, 2015

ANATOMY Paper-I AKU MBBS 2013 Question Paper

Do you search old question papers of AKU MBBS course ? You can here find and download one of the question paper for MBBS course, titled ANATOMY Paper-I . It was asked in the year 2013. The total time allotted for this exam is 3 hours and maximum marks are 50. Download now the contents of the question papers as mentioned below.

University : Aryabhatta Knowledge University
Course : MBBS
Code : 201011
Exam Year : 2013
Time: 3 hours
Full Marks: 50

1. Describe the nucleus, course, branches of facial nerve. Add a note on Bells palsy. (10)

2. Write short notes on the following: (5*3=15)

(a) Submandibular ganglion

(b) Mechanism of larynx

(c) Nerve supply of tongue

3. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Inferior cerebellar peduncle

(b) Deep palmar arch

(c) Erbs paralysis

(d) TS at level of sensory decussation of medulla (diagram)

4. Choose the correct one: (0.5*10=5)

(a) All of the following muscles form the anterior wall of axilla, except
(i) pectoralis major
(ii) subclaveus
(iii) pectoralis minor
(iv) subscapularis

(b) All of the muscles have dual nerve supply, except
(i) pectoralis major
(ii) brachialis
(iii) pronator teres
(iv) flexor digitorum profundus

(c) All of the following muscles receive their motor innervation through facial nerve, except
(i) anterior belly of digastric
(ii) posterior belly of digastric
(iii) stapedius
(iv) orbicularis oculi

(d) All of the following are branches of the maxillary artery, except
(i) lingual artery
(ii) middle meningeal artery
(iii) inferior alveolar
(iv) sphenopalatine artery

(e) The pharyngeal plexus is formed by branches of all of the following nerves, except
(i) vagus
(ii) sympathetic
(iii) trigeminal
(iv) glossopharyngeal

(f) Protrusion of tongue is done by
(i) Myoglossus
(ii) Genioglossus
(iii) Styloglossus
(iv) Palatoglossus

(g) The following cranial nerve nuclei lie beneath the floor of fourth ventricle, except
(i) vestibular
(ii) vagal
(iii) oculomotor
(iv) abducent

(h) The tensor of the vocal cord is
(i) thyroarytenoid
(ii) posterior cricoarytenoid
(iii) lateral cricoarytenoid
(iv) cricothyroid

(i) All of the following tracts cross to opposite side in the brainstem and spinal cord, except
(i) lateral spinothalamic
(ii) tectospinal
(iii) fasciculus gracilis
(iv) corticospinal

(j) the crus cerebri of midbrain contain all the following tracts, except
(i) corticonuclear
(ii) corticospinal
(iii) rubrospinal
(iv) temporopontine

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