Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2010 Question Paper,Second Year B.Pharmacy,2.4 : PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY – III Organic,University Of Pune Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
Second Year B.Pharmacy Examination, 2010
(2004 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions : i) Question No. 1 and 5 are compulsory. Solve any two out of
remaining three from each Section.
ii) Answer to the two Sections should be written in separate
answer sheet.
iii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
iv) Write reactions wherever necessary.
1. a) Draw stereochemical formula of all the possible sterioisomers of the following
compounds. Label them appropriately. 6
b) Define the term ‘conformation’. Discuss the various conformations of
cyclobutane. 4
2. a) Explain with help of figures why the chair conformation of cyclohexane is the
most stable of all the conformations. 5
b) What is Mutarotation ? Explain how mutarotation taken place in glucose ? 5
c) What are hexoses ? How will you differentiate between fructose and glucose
with help of chemical reactions ? 5
3. a) What are Proteins ? Discuss any two methods used in synthesis of Amino
acids. 10
b) Comment on the secondary structure of proteins. 5
4. Discuss in detail any three rearrangements involving electron deficient carbon
atom. 15
5. Discuss Fischer indole and Skraup synthesis in detail along with the role of all the
reagents used in these methods. 10
6. a) Discuss nucleophilic and electrophilic substitution in pyridine. 5
b) Give any two methods of synthesis, two chemical reactions and two medicinal
uses of (any two) Thiophene; Imidazole ; Furan. 10
7. a) What is a recemic modification ? Enlist the methods used for resolution of
racemic mixtures. Discuss in detail one physical and one chemical method
in detail. 10
b) Write a note on combinatorial chemistry. 5
8. Write notes on any three : 15
a) Atropisomers
b) Knorr pyrrole synthesis
c) Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement
d) Beckmann rearrangement.

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