Sunday, November 22, 2015

University Of Pune Question Paper,4.5 : PHARMACOLOGY – III,Final Year B. Pharmacy,2013 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
Final Year B. Pharmacy Examination, 2013
 (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
 Instructions : 1) Answers to the two Sections should be written in
separate answer books.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) All questions are compulsory.
1. Define congestive cardiac failure. Write mechanism of action, adverse effects
and therapeutic uses of digitalis glycoside. 10
Classify antibiotics based on their mode of action. Write in brief mechanism of
action, adverse effects and resistance to penicillin. 10
2. Solve any five : (15)
a) Justify the use of nitrite in cyanide poisoning. 3
b) Write sign, symptoms and management of lead poisoning. 3
c) Explain the toxic effects associated with cancer chemotherapy. 3
d) Write the mode of action and therapeutic uses of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. 3
e) Explain the major side effects associated with aminoglycoside. 3
f) Discuss the mechanism of action and contraindications of chloroquine. 3
g) Justify the use of sulfamethaxazole and trimethoprim as fixed dose
combination. 3
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3. Write short notes on any three : (15)
a) Centrally acting anti-hypertensive drugs. 5
b) General principles for poisoning management. 5
c) Explain vaccines, its characteristics and types. 5
d) Monoclonal antibodies. 5
e) Explain different mechanism for antibiotic resistance. 5
4. Write the types of clinical trials and discuss in brief about different phases of
clinical trials. 10
Define drug interaction. Write in brief about pharmacokinetic drug interactions
with suitable examples. 10
5. Solve any five : (15)
a) Write the role and responsibilities of hospital pharmacist. 3
b) Define inpatient. Write advantages of inpatient care. 3
c) Explain the advantages of unite dose system. 3
d) Discuss the points of Nuremberg code. 3
e) Classify Adverse drug reactions. 3
f) Write the Stages of patient counselling. 3
g) Explain different types of hypersensitivity reactions. 3
6. Write short notes on any three : (15)
a) Principles of ICH GCP Guidelines. 5
b) Informed consent. 5
c) Floor stock system. 5
d) Hospital formulary. 5
e) Patient recruitment in clinical trials. 5
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