Monday, November 30, 2015

Paper - 2.4 : Contemporary Critical Theory,University Of Pune Question Paper,M.A. (Part - I) ENGLISH (Semester - II),2012 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
M.A. (Part - I)
Paper - 2.4 : Contemporary Critical Theory
 (Semester - II) (2008 Pattern)
Time :3 Hours] [Max. Marks :80
Instructions to the candidates:-
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) Answer any two of the following :
a) State, briefly, the tenets of deconstruction.
b) Discuss, briefly, the salient features of feminism.
c) What is ‘phycho - analytical criticism’? What are its uses and limitations
in literary criticism?
Q2) Answer any two of the following :
a) What, according to Richard Chase, is myth? and what are its types in
relation to poetry?
b) Explain ‘concrete’ and ‘abstract’ potentialities with reference to ‘The
Ideology of Modernism’.
c) State, briefly, the extant views on Hamlet’s inaction and Ernest Jones’
interpretation of them.
Q3) Answer any two of the following :
a) What, according to Roland Barthes, is Semio - criticism? Discuss, briefly.
b) State, briefly, Fish’s views on the relevance of the context in any
c) Discuss, Barthes’ terms – ‘temporality’, ‘person’ and the verb ‘to write’.
SEAT No. :
Q4) Answer any two of the following :
a) What are Miller’s deconstructionist views and Abrams’ comments on
b) What is meant by ‘Gyno - criticism? What, according to Showalter, is
its future?
c) What, according to Showalter, are the three phases in the evolution of
female tradition?
Q5) Answer any two of the following :
a) Attempt a feminist interpretation of ‘The Rape of the Lock’.
b) Interpret ‘The Power and the Glory’ as a Marxist text.
c) What are your responses as a reader to ‘Wants’?
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