Monday, November 30, 2015

CS6304 Analog and Digital Communication Lecture Notes

Looking for Lecture Notes of CS6304 Analog and Digital Communication ? You can download it here under. Read details below and make a download of lecture notes of CS6304 Analog and Digital Communication. The subject belongs to 3rd Semester B.E CSE in AU Chennai Regulation 2013.

Anna University Chennai
B.E B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering
Third Semester
CS6304 Analog and Digital Communication
Lecture Notes - SVCET Edition
Unit IV

CS6304 / Analog and Digital Communication
1. What is the use of error control coding?
The main use of error control coding is to reduce the overall probability of error, which is also known as channel coding.
2. What is the difference between systematic code and non-systematic code?
In the systematic block code the message bits appears at the beginning of the codeword. That is the message bits appears first and then the check bits are transmitted. In non systematic block code it is not possible to identify the message bits and check bits. They are mixed in block.

3. What is a Repetition code?
A single message bit is encoded in to a block of ‘n’ identical bits producing a (n, 1) block code. There are only two code words in the code. They are all zeros and ones.The code is called repetition code since many redundant check bits are transmitted along with a single message bit.
4. What is forward acting error correction method?
The method of controlling errors at the receiver through attempts to correct noise-induced errors is called forward acting error correction method.
5. What is error detection?
The decoder accepts the received sequence and checks whether it matches a valid message sequence. If not, the decoder discards the received sequence and notifies the transmitter (over the reverse channel from the receiver to the transmitter) that errors have occurred and the received message must be retransmitted. This method of error control is called error detection
6. Define linear block code?
If each of the 2k code words can be expressed as linear combination of ‘k’ linearly independent code vectors then the code is called linear block code. A code is linear if sum of any two code vectors produces another code vector
7. Give the properties of syndrome in linear block code.
The syndrome depends only on the error patterns and not on the transmitted code word. All error patterns that differ by a code word have the same syndrome

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