Thursday, November 19, 2015

Assam University BBM Organisational Behaviour and Its Impact May June 2007 Question Paper

Want model question papers / previous years university question papers of BBM Assam University ? You can here download a question paper that was asked in the year May June 2007. Text version of this question paper is given here under.

Assam University
II Semester B.B.M. Examination, May/June 2007
Organisational Behaviour And Its Impact
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90

I. 1) Answer any ten sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 2 marks. (10x2=20)

a) Define organisation.
b) What is departmentation ?
c) What do you mean by Halo effect ?
d) Define Cognition.
e) What are hygiene factors.
f) What is Job design ?
g) What is MBO ?
h) Mention the components of learning curve.
i) Define conflict.
j) What do you mean by Transaction Analysis ?
k) What is managerial grid ?
l) Bring out any two causes for changes.

II. Answer any five of the following. Each question carries 5 marks. (5x5=25)

2) List out the characteristics of Motivation.

3) State the different types of attitude.

4) Explain social learning theory.

5) What are the different types of conflict ?

6) Bring out the major differences between a Leader and Manager.

7) Explain the different leadership styles.

8) Explain the reasons for formation of Groups.

9) What are the ways to overcome resistance to changes ?

III. Answer any three of the following. Each question carries 15 marks. (3x15=45)

10) Explain the nature, scope and factors influencing organisation behaviour.

11) Explain the process of perception.

12) Write a note on any five techniques of Motication.

13) Discuss the non-monetary financial incentives.

14) What are the Organisational Development techniques to modify the behaviour to adapt to changes ?
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