Sunday, October 4, 2015

2013 Question Paper of BASICS OF BANKING AND INSURANCE Calicut University

University : Calicut University Question Papers
Course: B.Com
Semester: 5, Fifth, V
Year of the question paper: November 2013
Subject Code: BC 5B 09

Calicut University
Time: Three Hours Maximum Weightage: 30
Part A: Answer all twelve questions. Each question carries a weightage of ¼.
Fill in the blanks :
1. Insuring the risk with other insurers is known as ----------.
2. The principle of subrogation is introduced to protect the interest of ---------.
3. --------Bank plays an important role in promoting foreign trade.
4. The rate of interest is high in the case of -------- deposit.
Choose the correct answer :
5. Note issue is the major function of :
a)Central Bank of India b)Central Bank
c)State Bank d)None of these.
6. Bank does not pay interest to this kind of deposit :
a) Fixed deposit b)Saving deposit
c) Current deposit d)None of these
7. If there is no insurable interest , the insurable contract will become :
a)Voidable b)Void
c)Unenforceable d)None of these
8. IRDA Act was passed in :
a)1938 b)1948 c)1999 d)2000
State whether the following statements are True or False :
9. The subject matter in life insurance is the property.
10. Personal accident insurance is not contract of indemnity.
11. Fixed deposits are demand deposit.
12. A contract entered by a drunkard person is void.
(12 x ¼ =3)
Short answer questions. Answer all nine questions. Each carries 1 weightage.
13. What is bank rate?
14. What is bank assurance?
15. Define Insurance.
16. What is SLR?
17. Define Bank.
18. Who is a minor?
19. What do you mean by the principle of subrogation?
20. What is quantitative credit control?
21. What is Marine insurance? (9 x 1 =9)
Answer any five questions from seven. Each carries a weightage of 2.
22. What are the features of insurance?
23. State in brief the procedures for opening an account.
24. Explain the primary functions of a commercial bank.
25. What are the objectives of EXIM Bank?
26. What are the precautions to be taken by the banker while opening an account in the name of a minor?
27. What are the defects of indigenous Bankers?
28. Explain the features of current account.
(5 x 2 = 10)
Essay questions. Answer any two questions from three. Each question carries a weightage of 4.
29. Explain the functions of insurance.
30. Explain the quantitative credit control weapons used by RBI to control credit.
31. Elucidate the innovative functions of the bank today? (2 x 4 = 8)
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