Sunday, July 12, 2015

WBUT B.Sc Microbiology FOOD & AGRICULTURAL MICROBIOLOGY Question Paper of Semester-6 2012

University:West Bengal University of Technology
Year of  Question Paper : 2012

CS/B.Sc. (H), Micro-Bio./SEM-6/FAM-603/2012



Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words

as far as practicable.


( Multiple Choice Type Questions )

1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the

following : 10 × 1 = 10

i) Commensalism refers to the relationship of two


a) that live side by side, but have absolutely no effect

on each other

b) where one benefits at the expense of the other

c) that is mutually beneficial

d) none of these.

ii) Function of agriculture soil is

a) anchor plant roots

b) supply water to plant roots

c) furnish nutrients for plant growth

d) all of these.

iii) Causative microbes in fresh fruits and vegetables are

a) Penicillium b) Pseudomonas

c) Bacillus d) Rhizopus.

iv) In organic matter decomposition of bacteria is involved

asa) population increases rapidly

b) quickly degrade simple compounds — sugars,

proteins, amino acids

c) have a harder time degrading cellulose, lignin,


d) all of these.

v) When organic matter is added to soil fungi

a) able to degrade complex organic molecules such as

cellulose, lignin, starch

b) give other soil micro-organisms access to simpler

molecules that were protected by cellulose or lignin

c) grow more slowly and efficiently than bacteria

d) all of these.

vi) Predators

a) feed on the primary decomposers ( bacteria, fungi,

actinomycetes )

b) release nutrients ( nitrogen ) contained in the

bodies of the primary decomposers

c) are protists and nematodes

d) all of these.

vii) Which of the following is not an intrinsic factor in food

spoilage ?

a) pH b) Moisture

c) Temperature d) Nutrient content.

viii) Compound responsible for the distinctive "earthy" odour

of soil is

a) Phytoalexins b) Root exudates

c) Cellulose d) Geosmin.ix) Dissimilatory sulphur-reducing bacteria

a) can reduce elemental sulphur to sulphide but are

unable to reduce sulphate to sulphide

b) cannot reduce elemental sulphur to sulphide but

can reduce sulphate to sulphide

c) can reduce both elemental sulphur and sulphate to


d) cannot reduce both elemental sulphur and


x) Bacteria of both the physiological groups, ammonia

oxidizers and nitrite oxidizers are

a) gram negative chemolithotrophs

b) both gram positive and gram negative


c) gram negative chemo-organotrophs

d) both gram negative and gram positive chemoorganotrophs.

xi) Leghemoglobin is

a) a type of hemoglobin responsible for carrying

oxygen to tissues

b) red, iron containing protein, which has role in

Nitrogen fixation

c) hemoglobin with sickle shape

d) hemoglobin responsible for phosphate


xii) Nitrate and phosphate contamination of aquatic

ecosystem causes

a) algal bloom

b) accelerated eutrophicationc) suffocation of aquatic aerobes

d) all of these.


( Short Answer Type Questions )

Answer any three of the following. 3 × 5 = 15

2. Write short notes on any one of the following :

a) Leaf blight of potato

b) Mycotoxicoses

c) Parasitism

d) Soil anaerobic methanogens in rice fields.

3. What is the chemical nature of milk ? What are the sources

of microbial contamination of milk ? 2 + 3

4. What is kinema ? How could you prevent canned food

spoilage ? Name some microbes causing canned food

spoilage. 1 + 2 + 2

5. Support the significance of D value and Z value with proper

graphical representation.

6. Describe the steps for mass production of bacterial

biofertilizers with examples.


( Long Answer Type Questions )

Answer any three of the following. 3 × 15 = 45

7. a) What is food poisoning ? What do you know about E.coli

poisoning ? 3 + 4

b) What do you mean by food spoilage ? What are the

causes of spoilage of meat, fish and vegetables ? 2 + 6

8. a) What do you know about food preservation ? What are

the roles of salts and organic acids in foodpreservation ? 2 + 6

b) What is the role of photosynthetic and nitrosofying

bacteria in nitrogen fixation ? 3 + 4

9. Give the flow chart of cheese production. What is food

spoilage and what are the main types of food spoilage ? Name

a starter culture of yoghurt production. How is yoghurt

prepared ? 5 + 4 + 1 + 5

10. What is pasteurization ? Describe the types and the process.

What is the test by which one can measure the efficiency of

pasteurization ? Name some fermented milk products.

2 + 5 + 5 + 3

11. What are entomopathogenic fungi ? Scientists have

succeeded in introducing toxin gene of Bacillus thuringiensis

into plants like cotton. What purpose is achieved through

this action ? What is the source of this toxin ? Why crystals

of Bt do not kill the bacteria itself ? How do they kill insects ?

What are the types of biofertilizers ? 2 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 3


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