Saturday, January 25, 2014

KSOU, Visual Programming, M.Sc.1st Semester (I.T.) Examination, June/July 2010 Question Paper:

KSOU, Karnataka State Open University old, model, previous and latest years question papers >> Visual ProgrammingM.Sc. First Semester (I.T.) Examination, June/July 2010 Question Paper:

Are you looking for old, previous years and latest question papers of KSOU, Karnataka State Open University ? You can find here in this blog, even sample and model question papers of KSOU, Karnataka State Open University and various universities in India. Have a look at this post that contains the latest year 2010 for KSOU, Karnataka State Open University question paper conducted in the month June/July, for the M.Sc. (I.T.) First Semester Examination 2010. This question paper is useful for those students who are preparing for Visual Programming for M.Sc. (I.T.) Examination. Part A consists of 10 Questions carrying a total marks 25 and Part B has 8 questions out of which, you should answer 5 questions carrying 10 marks each. Use the question paper for your upcoming exams to score high marks.
KSOU, Karnataka State Open University
I Semester M.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, June/July 2010
Visual Programming
Time : 3 Hours 
Maximum Marks : 75
Answer all questions : (10×2+5×1=25)
1. What is VB wizard ?
2. What is the difference between a Form window and an application window ?
3. List the steps to create an application in VB.
4. Where do you add code to your programs ?
5. What extension does VB use for Active X controls ?
6. Write the function of Round ( ) and Int ( ) operations.
7. Write the function of Public ( ).
8. What is nesting ? Give example.
9. Why do you use serialize ( ) function ?
10. Write the purpose of checkboxes used in VB.
11. Briefly explain the following :
a) MDI
b) Textout ( )
c) Create font ( )
d) Visual data manager
e) On key down ( ).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART – B
Answer any five questions : (5×10=50)
1. Create an application to calculate simple interest. Add 3 text boxes to accept input for principal, time, rate of interest and display simple interest in a textbox.Add two command buttons result and exit.
2. Explain the following :
i) Lcase ( ) ii) UBound ( ) iii) R Trim ( ) iv) RND ( ) v) Redim ( )
3. Explain different list boxes with example.
4. Explain the steps to create a project to display “welcome to VC++” in VC++.
5. Write and explain the steps to create Database in VB.
6. Write the steps to write code to the WM–MouseMove event in VC++.
7. Write a note on WM–Paint event.
8. Explain the steps to create a simple MDI program.
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