Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Interpretation of Literature and Slylistics: M.Phil. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.Phil. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Interpretation of Literature and Slylistics)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Define stylistics in relation to language and literature. 16


What are the aspects of cohesion and context in stylistic analysis of Fiction and Drama ? 16

2. Cohesion of words and phrases is strongly indicative of the fact that the thought of the text as a whole is cohesive and one. 16

3. Parallelism is basic to poetry. Parallelism in sound results in parallelism of words and sentences and finally leads into parallelism in thought and sense. Illustrate. 16

4. The source of all ornamentation and deviation in language is one and the same. Both result from the violence of selection restrictions. Explain and justify. 16

5. Grammatical language is said to be the standard language but the foregrounding theory suggest violation of grammar. Can't we, therefore, say that all foregrounded language is substandard or un-standard. 16

6. Hopkins opines that the language of poetry of necessity must be difficult and obscure. It requires several readings before it comes right. In the light of it point out some characteristics of Hopkin's language. 16

7. Literary language could be very much like the language of our world - the language that each one speaks and uses - and yes it is only like and not exactly of our world. Do you agree ? Explain and illustrate with example. 16

8. Explain the difference between meaningful language and meaning making language. Do they cancel each
other ? 16

9. Distinguish between translation and transliteration and explain how they work as the devices of codemixing. 16

10. What is the true meaning of deviation ? How it been misinterpreted in the case of standard English stylistics of Foregrounding of language if so how and why ? 16

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