Saturday, October 10, 2015

DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Kakatiya University 2013 B.Tech ECE Exam Paper

Are you looking for DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS old question papers asked by Kakatiya University? Look at this question paper which is provided for B.Tech degree ECE III year and IV year examinations. This paper exam was held in 2013. Get all important questions of this subject by referring the contents of the DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS question paper provided below.

University: Kakatiya University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Course: B.Tech III / IV Year ECE II Semester Examination 2013
Time: Three hours. [maximum marks: 100]

1. (a) Explain Shannon Fano algorithm. [marks 4]

(b) Explain the concept of information. [marks 4]

(c) Write the properties of entropy. [marks 4]

(d) Explain about the discrete memoryless channels. [marks 4]

(e) Write the properties of mutual information.[marks 4]

2. (a) Explain the use of prediction filter in differential pulse code modulation. [marks 10]

(b) The probabilities of five possible outcomes of an experiment are given as :

P(x1) = 0.5, P(x2) = 0.25, P(x3) = 0.125, P(x4) = P(x5) = 0.0625.

Determine the entropy and information rate if there are 16 outcomes per second. [marks 10]


(c) Derive the relations for signalling rate and transmission bandwidth in PCM system. [marks 10]

(d) Explain delta modulation in detail with suitable diagram. Also explain ADM and compare its performance with DM. [marks 10]

3. (a) Explain M-ary signalling schemes. [marks 10]

(b) Describe coherent FSK. [marks 10]


(c) What is line coding and explain its properties. [marks 10]

(d) Explain M-ary FSK system with the help of transmitters and receivers. [marks 10]

4. (a) Draw the block diagram of DPSK modulator and explain how synchronisation problem is avoided for its detection. [marks 10]

(b) Explain the geometrical representation of non-orthogonal BFSK. [marks 10]


(c) Explain the generation and reception of the QPSK with neat sketches. [marks 20]

5. (a) Explain what are BCH codes.

(b) Explain how generator and parity matrices are obtained for cyclic codes.


(c) Giving block diagram, explain the operation of the syndrome calculator for cyclic codes.

(d) Explain parity coding and also explain Vertical Redundancy check and Longitudinal Redundancy check. 
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